is exhibiting an outdoor installation of large photos of galaxies made from flour at the Buffalo Bayou Art Park in Houston. The dates are from March 1-May 2. If you get a chance go check it out, he is an amazing artist.
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18 minutes ago
I understand this post is from forever ago...or March, but I'm curious how you found out about this project. I work with BBAP!
I know someone who has worked with Barry before and turned me on to some of his work. He told me about the project so I checked the BBAP website and there it was!
I'm the director at Apama Mackey Gallery in Houston and we open a group show which includes his work on July 12th. We'll have an open house during the day and a reception in the evening. It's not posted on our website yet, but I do hope you'll make it out!
sounds like fun! I will definitely try to be there. If you bookmark us I'll make sure to get an article up close to the opening date.
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